We came home to this the other day. Not a pretty sight, being that my ducklings are in that particular shed! Anyway, we eventually chased it off, weren't able to kill it. Some Blue Jays have a nest in that tree with a few chicks in it. Of course, the stupid snake had to head straight for it! After we chased it off, it came back and ate two of the chicks, which set me off. So I pulled the thing out the tree with a rake, and mom chopped its head off. Simple chicken snake, but I guess you know now, don't cross me the wrong way, you might end up like this snake! :P
Campos De La Gracia
Monday, May 14, 2012
Duckling Update
As you can see my ducklings now have a new habitat, or rather, playpen, really. They seem quite happy to spend all hours of the day and night swimming and eating. Nothing new there I guess. I did lose one duckling to an unknown cause, but the rest of them seem to be doing fine. It shouldn't be too much longer before I can release them.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Hatching Day!
These are my little Banderitos. Hehe, they look like little bandits with the stripes over their eyes. They had a lovely first swim. They decided that it was really entertaining to sink the floating food dish. Which happened repeatedly. They probably hatched last night or this morning sometimes. It wasn't long. It was a mad dash trying to catch them all but eventually I did. There are still some more eggs on the nest and the mother is back on it. I don't think any more will hatch though. I can't seem to be childless for long, can I?
Friday, April 27, 2012
Joey Likes to Swim!
I finally took a video of Joey swimming. He took his first dive off the wharf today. Super cool. Excuse the poor video capturing abilities. I'm still mastering that with my new camera. I have a feeling it's going to take a while. (Hmm, I have a tripod, I should probably use it! Lol!)
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Beautiful Spring!
Our first rose of the year. |
One of the biggest ant hills I've ever seen. |
Our blueberry bushes are loaded with berries! |
Even our little one is carrying all it can this year! |
Our new lemon tree, complete with several lemons! |
Mom's finally acquired a Camellia bush. |
Thursday, April 12, 2012
A Few Projects Finally Finished
This is one of our arbors, it was a swing but we decided to plant some seedless Fredonia grapes. |
Mom's been wanting a swing in the front pasture under one of the big oaks, and now she's got it. |
This is the plant shelf on the outside of my garden shed (the old chicken coop). |
This is the inside corner, granted everything is a little old and dirty, but it's all still very effective. And it's MINE! |
This is the inside of the shed, I placed all my pots in the biddy cage. There's a mama bird in a nest in one of the old laying boxes. I need to get a picture. |
This is our second arbor, Dad built it from scratch and we're super proud of his handy work. These are seedless concord grapes. |
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Cute, Cuddly, and Adorable (Update)
Two of my little bunnies didn't make it, once I realized they were sick, which seemed to occur over night, I released the other two into the woods. I haven't seen either of them since, but that could be a very good sign. I really enjoyed nursing them, and I'm really itching to try my hand at a litter of kittens. I haven't nursed those yet!
A Wounded Warrior
I honestly don't know what our cat get's himself into, but he's been doing really well for the past few months. Until last night, in which case he had a gaping hole in his side. (Rolling eyes) Tom's!
I'll have to play doctor again. Which he won't like, because such a large wound requires that he be confined until it's healed. (Wohoo, cat litter....ugh.)
I'll have to play doctor again. Which he won't like, because such a large wound requires that he be confined until it's healed. (Wohoo, cat litter....ugh.)
He should get an award for this one. |
A Duck Tale
I found this wedged between the fence, light post, and feed room. |
It's a duck nest. There's quite a few eggs in there and I'm hoping that predators won't find it tucked away as ingeniously as it it. I plan on helping the mama duck out when the eggs hatch. Around here baby ducks only last a few days and then disappear, so I'm planning on catching as many as I can, and the mama as well, and keeping them in my garden shed until they're big enough to be set free. Uh, that one's going to be difficult to pass by Dad, but then again, he does like the ducks, and he was horrified when the last batch of ducklings only lasted 24 hours.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Cute, Cuddly, and Adorable
As you've probably guessed, or at least noticed by now, I seem to be an animal magnet. Animals in need just seem to find me. How? I haven't the slightest.
Here's the story on the latest and greatest....
I was eagerly absorbed in a book I was reading when I happened to glance up and out the front door. Joey was being, well Joey, bouncing around like...Joey. I figured he was playing with a leaf or something, not uncommon. A few minutes later I glanced up again and noticed he was still in the same spot, so I decided to go check it out. When I got closer I saw something jump up in the air a few inches. I start running, ready to beat Joey to a pulp if he captured some innocent little creature and was torturing it.
It's a baby rabbit. Completely unharmed, and not even a drop of saliva on him. I pick it up and cradle it in my shirt. Joey cocks his head, looks at me for a second and then darts off to an area about 10 feet from me. He looks down, looks at me, and then looks down again. I walk over and there is a nest of little bunny foo foo's. (Insert nursery rhyme here) I grab the little bunnies and put them in a shoe box with the mother rabbits hair. Dad was kind enough to buy some puppy milk and half-and-half. (I did my research)
The bunnies looked to be about 2 weeks old. They were equipped with fur (thank goodness, it's rather difficult when they don't have hair!) so I wasn't too worried about them getting cold and what not. I've had them for about a week and their eyes are now open and their ears are starting to stand up. I've started to wean them. I only nurse them twice a day, and the rest of the time they happily munch on fresh grass from the yard. Once I've got them completely weaned I'll set them free. (Cross my fingers and hope they survive!)

Here's the story on the latest and greatest....
I was eagerly absorbed in a book I was reading when I happened to glance up and out the front door. Joey was being, well Joey, bouncing around like...Joey. I figured he was playing with a leaf or something, not uncommon. A few minutes later I glanced up again and noticed he was still in the same spot, so I decided to go check it out. When I got closer I saw something jump up in the air a few inches. I start running, ready to beat Joey to a pulp if he captured some innocent little creature and was torturing it.
It's a baby rabbit. Completely unharmed, and not even a drop of saliva on him. I pick it up and cradle it in my shirt. Joey cocks his head, looks at me for a second and then darts off to an area about 10 feet from me. He looks down, looks at me, and then looks down again. I walk over and there is a nest of little bunny foo foo's. (Insert nursery rhyme here) I grab the little bunnies and put them in a shoe box with the mother rabbits hair. Dad was kind enough to buy some puppy milk and half-and-half. (I did my research)
The bunnies looked to be about 2 weeks old. They were equipped with fur (thank goodness, it's rather difficult when they don't have hair!) so I wasn't too worried about them getting cold and what not. I've had them for about a week and their eyes are now open and their ears are starting to stand up. I've started to wean them. I only nurse them twice a day, and the rest of the time they happily munch on fresh grass from the yard. Once I've got them completely weaned I'll set them free. (Cross my fingers and hope they survive!)
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Another Friend!
Well, yesterday was rather interesting.....why do my posts always start like this....
I was busy doing...well...the normal stuff, which ...isn't much of anything actually. The dogs started going nuts, barking, growling, the whole theatrical works. I looked outside and saw this horribly emaciated puppy! So, cue heart racing, adrenaline pumping madness. I race outside, and in my excitement...scare the poor thing off. Dumb, dumb. I didn't think he was going to come back, but he did, and several times. (I scared him off a few times in my enthusiasm) He was adamant that he was going to find a way to be cared for...just...without me touching him! Or ...so he thought. So...I devised my plan...set everything in motion..and waited.....very impatiently.
Puppy falls for trap, Kathryn runs madly outside, traps puppy for good, and Kathryn performs victory dance!!!
Yea, okay, I'm weird. I thought I was going to puke I was so relieved and excited. It was a Beagle, or Beagle mix, it looked on the older side, but no more than about 8 years old. Skin and bones, and ravenously hungry! After many hours I was able to finally get close enough to read the tag on his collar, get the number off, and call. Success! They wanted the dog back. We met them with, of all names"Charlie", at the Valero in town. I wasn't too pleased with how he handled the dog, but I did my duty...the rest was up to God. I still have those, "I should have..." "I could have..." shoulda, woulda, coulda, wanna, terrible words. Bad, bad, bad, bad. All such words get you in trouble when you think too much on them. So, I try my hardest not to.
Anyway, here are some pictures of Charlie....
Okay, granted they aren't the best, but I couldn't let him out....I had a hard enough time trying to catch him!
I was busy doing...well...the normal stuff, which ...isn't much of anything actually. The dogs started going nuts, barking, growling, the whole theatrical works. I looked outside and saw this horribly emaciated puppy! So, cue heart racing, adrenaline pumping madness. I race outside, and in my excitement...scare the poor thing off. Dumb, dumb. I didn't think he was going to come back, but he did, and several times. (I scared him off a few times in my enthusiasm) He was adamant that he was going to find a way to be cared for...just...without me touching him! Or ...so he thought. So...I devised my plan...set everything in motion..and waited.....very impatiently.
Puppy falls for trap, Kathryn runs madly outside, traps puppy for good, and Kathryn performs victory dance!!!
Yea, okay, I'm weird. I thought I was going to puke I was so relieved and excited. It was a Beagle, or Beagle mix, it looked on the older side, but no more than about 8 years old. Skin and bones, and ravenously hungry! After many hours I was able to finally get close enough to read the tag on his collar, get the number off, and call. Success! They wanted the dog back. We met them with, of all names"Charlie", at the Valero in town. I wasn't too pleased with how he handled the dog, but I did my duty...the rest was up to God. I still have those, "I should have..." "I could have..." shoulda, woulda, coulda, wanna, terrible words. Bad, bad, bad, bad. All such words get you in trouble when you think too much on them. So, I try my hardest not to.
Anyway, here are some pictures of Charlie....
Okay, granted they aren't the best, but I couldn't let him out....I had a hard enough time trying to catch him!
Friday, February 24, 2012
After about a month of doing things all wrong, I thought I'd do a post on running and how it actually should be done. Of course, all the hours of research that I've been doing have certainly helped. I've read articles by people that run marathons, ex-Navy SEALs, Marines, Doctors, etc. So I've collected quite a bit of data across the board.
Warming up: Contrary to popular belief stretching cold muscles can actually cause more strain and harm than good. So before you start, warm up first. No, doing a few squats doesn't count. You should walk slowly, gradually picking up the pace to a very brisk walk, once you start to sweat...then you're warmed up. Now, you may start stretching.
Breathing Right: This one comes from a former Navy SEAL, and it works. There is a right way to breathe when running. You should use a 3:2 ratio. In other words. Breath in for three steps, then fully exhale in two steps. You might want to run around just to get the hang of the technique and to make it a habit. This technique pushes all the carbon dioxide out of your system keeping your muscles pumped with fresh oxygen.
Interval Training: Unlike what I was told "Just run" there's a proper way to work up to running. I wasn't able to find really good information about beginner runners like me....who couldn't even run half a mile yet. Luckily I finally found what I was looking for. For complete beginner like me, you should start very small. Run for 5-10 seconds out of every minute. Then walk for the rest of the minute. Do this until you start huffing and puffing, then stop. You're done for the day. Naturally you increase the time you run over time until you're running your desired time or distance.
The 3rd Week: NEVER run on your third week of training. Most injuries happen during the third week. Do something else instead, like swimming or riding a bike. Don't stop exercising altogether, but just find something else to do.
Running Form: Whenever you run, try to stay as relaxed as possible. The more tense you are the quicker you'll wear yourself out. Running needs to be natural , so it will take time for you to get the form right, but practice makes perfect.
Distance- keep your shoulders, hands, and arms relaxed. Make sure your back is straight and not in a slouching form. Maintain your arms in a 90 degree position. Slightly curve your hands inward such as holding a hot egg or potato. do not, i repeat, DO NOT clench your hands in a fist while running. It will tense up your shoulders and you're basically going to be wasting energy. Imagine that there is an invisible line that splits your chest in half vertically. Do not EVER swing your arms past that line.
Sprinting- Keep your knees up and your hands straight. Bring your hands up to your face, right between the eyes so you can gain balance. Keep your head up
Proper Equipment: If you're going to run, you need the right gear. The right shoes are a MUST! They prevent injuries such as shin splints, stress fractures, and injured joints. Go to a running store and have the salesperson help you out. They should look at your foot and the way you walk to determine what type of shoe will do best for you. If you're running in hot weather, try a technical shirt (i.e. underarmour or something similar) that's specifically designed to help keep you cool. Wear a hat, sunglasses, and sunblock (it will actually keep you cooler, use an SPF 30 or higher). Another good investment is a pulse monitoring watch (don't ask me what they're called I don't have the slightest idea), make sure you get a good one, don't just buy the cheapest thing you can find...it probably won't work. The one I have has a "zoning system", you set your minimum heart rate that you want to reach, and then your highest. When you go below the minimum, or above the maximum an alarm goes off. Mine also has a chest belt to help accurately monitor your pulse. This is a good idea if you have a hard time working up slowly to good cardio, that way you don't overdo it. Another idea...of course...an iPod, complete with armband and accessories. (I refrained from this one.) It can help you pass the time if your running for several miles...which I'm assuming can get quite boring.
Warming up: Contrary to popular belief stretching cold muscles can actually cause more strain and harm than good. So before you start, warm up first. No, doing a few squats doesn't count. You should walk slowly, gradually picking up the pace to a very brisk walk, once you start to sweat...then you're warmed up. Now, you may start stretching.
Breathing Right: This one comes from a former Navy SEAL, and it works. There is a right way to breathe when running. You should use a 3:2 ratio. In other words. Breath in for three steps, then fully exhale in two steps. You might want to run around just to get the hang of the technique and to make it a habit. This technique pushes all the carbon dioxide out of your system keeping your muscles pumped with fresh oxygen.
Interval Training: Unlike what I was told "Just run" there's a proper way to work up to running. I wasn't able to find really good information about beginner runners like me....who couldn't even run half a mile yet. Luckily I finally found what I was looking for. For complete beginner like me, you should start very small. Run for 5-10 seconds out of every minute. Then walk for the rest of the minute. Do this until you start huffing and puffing, then stop. You're done for the day. Naturally you increase the time you run over time until you're running your desired time or distance.
The 3rd Week: NEVER run on your third week of training. Most injuries happen during the third week. Do something else instead, like swimming or riding a bike. Don't stop exercising altogether, but just find something else to do.
Running Form: Whenever you run, try to stay as relaxed as possible. The more tense you are the quicker you'll wear yourself out. Running needs to be natural , so it will take time for you to get the form right, but practice makes perfect.
Distance- keep your shoulders, hands, and arms relaxed. Make sure your back is straight and not in a slouching form. Maintain your arms in a 90 degree position. Slightly curve your hands inward such as holding a hot egg or potato. do not, i repeat, DO NOT clench your hands in a fist while running. It will tense up your shoulders and you're basically going to be wasting energy. Imagine that there is an invisible line that splits your chest in half vertically. Do not EVER swing your arms past that line.
Sprinting- Keep your knees up and your hands straight. Bring your hands up to your face, right between the eyes so you can gain balance. Keep your head up
Proper Equipment: If you're going to run, you need the right gear. The right shoes are a MUST! They prevent injuries such as shin splints, stress fractures, and injured joints. Go to a running store and have the salesperson help you out. They should look at your foot and the way you walk to determine what type of shoe will do best for you. If you're running in hot weather, try a technical shirt (i.e. underarmour or something similar) that's specifically designed to help keep you cool. Wear a hat, sunglasses, and sunblock (it will actually keep you cooler, use an SPF 30 or higher). Another good investment is a pulse monitoring watch (don't ask me what they're called I don't have the slightest idea), make sure you get a good one, don't just buy the cheapest thing you can find...it probably won't work. The one I have has a "zoning system", you set your minimum heart rate that you want to reach, and then your highest. When you go below the minimum, or above the maximum an alarm goes off. Mine also has a chest belt to help accurately monitor your pulse. This is a good idea if you have a hard time working up slowly to good cardio, that way you don't overdo it. Another idea...of course...an iPod, complete with armband and accessories. (I refrained from this one.) It can help you pass the time if your running for several miles...which I'm assuming can get quite boring.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
4 Months Till I Sing Again
I was doing really well. I had all my bases covered. But then, I let my guard slip...and it was a fast slide down the mountain from then on. A slide I have been riding for 4 months. I kept waiting...thinking God was going to have this massive revelation for me. Or that I was eventually going to hit rock bottom, be so miserable, that I'd finally hit the brakes and start climbing back uphill. None of that happened. It just all sort of slowly came about. I was getting miserable, and longing for that perfect peace, but it wasn't enough. My nerves were wearing thin, waiting for something but nothing ever happening, it wasn't enough. I was sliding downhill head first. Didn't work. I kept trying to figure out what I was supposed to be learning. I couldn't. I was too far gone, to truly analyze what I was supposed to be understanding. Or so I thought.... Then it just sort of all started to fall in place. The pieces to the puzzle that I'd been staring at but couldn't figure out.
I started talking to this guy online. He wanted to commit suicide, and I was trying to convince him not to. At first, I was giving all the advice I could. In no sort of spiritual shape to give him the gospel myself, I referred him to some sites specifically for people contemplating suicide. I kept reassuring him. Quietly hinting at this Christian retreat, or that Christian place. Finally he was stable enough that I wasn't battering my brains trying to figure out what to do. So, we just talked. Of nothing really. He asked me my story. I told him. I'd been there, where he was. I'd tried it..unsuccessful, obviously. A couple days went by...he was okay. One morning, he wasn't okay anymore. He was panicking. Trying to find a way out. I asked for help. Advice. Anything. I got it. One person said go to my parents. Not what I wanted to hear. I knew I wasn't supposed to be talking to strange people..duh! Tell them so I can get in trouble! No way! They're both working...they can't help right now. I need answers, advice, pronto! They had no other helpful advice. I knew this, even in my stupor, I couldn't continually rely on my parents for answers I would need to know myself one day. Maybe, it sounds wrong to you. But, one day, they won't be there, one day, I'll have to do it all on my own. I gotta start learning now. I won't cry Mama. Another friend didn't know what to do, but they said they'd pray. And that was enough. Someone was backing me up, without asking questions. Without telling me I'd done it wrong, they just stood next to me, and mentally, I saw that person pick up a gun and run to the front lines of an age old war. Slowly, ever so slowly, he was convinced that he should wait at least another day, he was stable again. Long enough, for God to work.
It was my turn to be worked on by God. I went to bed that night, then a the quiet voice. A song I enjoyed listening to at one point. I knew it well. I'd heard it at least a million times. Then, quiet again. "Get your iPod." he whispered. I didn't want to. I didn't want to cry and sob and be an emotional wreck. I also didn't want to let go. Of what...I didn't know. A battle ensued. No, go, no, go, no it's warm in the bed, go, no, go, fine... Off I went. I knew exactly where I had left it. I tip-toed through the house until my hand touched the cold metal. I grabbed it and ran to my room as if I had committed a crime. I dove back in bed under the covers, grabbed my ear phones, plugged them in, and flipped to the song I was told. I pushed play. Immediately He started talking. And we started dancing. It's a song, that I always could picture mentally. We twirled around, Him asking questions, me stuttering out my answers. His strong arms wrapped gently around me, He wouldn't let me fall. Question after question came. I repeated the song, again, and again. Still, more questions, more timid answers. He was quiet. I flipped to another song. Listened, and realized, if I bend, I'll have to give up, I'll have to do this, and this, and this. I'll be so totally embarrassed by my stupidity and wrong choices! No!! A mental picture exploded in my head with shocking clarity. His arms around me, I fought, I fought to get loose, I pushed and pulled, I punched, shook my head like a wild animal. His voice was firm. "Stop! Stop fighting!" Then a clear memory of my teacher saying... "People always see it as a don't. If I go to God, I have to give up this or this, I have to do this first and that. But God sees it as a do. Just come, just as you are." His clear words again. "We'll work it all out. Just let go. Just come." I didn't I shut His voice out of my head, and flipped through the songs. Trying to find one that portrayed my feelings perfectly. I found one I thought was good. The music blared in my ears, but in the song, He was still there. He was the one singing the song! I grew agitated, furious. I ripped the earphones from my ear, turned the iPod off, and shut it up in the drawer. I went to sleep.
Bas (we'll call my friend Bas, I like that name it's very Dutch ;) ) was slow to e-mail this morning. But, he began to ask questions. Previously I had shared a pathetic story of the gospel, a child could have done better. So I began to answer them. As best I could. Strangely, despite my struggle in the night. I felt alright. The more questions Bas asked the more excited I grew. Questions like "When did you convert to Christianity?" and "Can you give examples of how your life got better after you converted?" were things I typed furiously over. But even in my rebellion, I heard that little whisper. "That's good, that's all he needs to know for now." He was still guiding me. He recalled vivid feelings of how I felt, so I could better write of them. He reminded me of scriptures, I typed those too. I kept fretting over this, I felt as though I was giving Bas only half of what Christianity was, only telling him absolute need to knows, without telling him things I thought he should know as well. And the whisper "One hammer blow at a time." "Answer the questions as they come." He showed me a new way of doing things. I didn't have to explain theology to Bas. He wouldn't understand that anyway, and it would only frustrate him more if he couldn't figure out this wonderful way to peace he was searching for. Eventually he would give up. So, my seemingly childish explanation of the Romans Road, and other key factors of Christianity were... One hammer blow at a time. With each tiny blow, a little more of the concrete surrounding Bas' heart is chipped away, and a little more heart is shown beating, bleeding in pain. One question at a time, I'm able to show Bas the way. The way I followed to fix my broken, bleeding, painful heart. The one I'm staring at as I type.
Then the pieces of the puzzle flew into place. My 4 months of sliding downhill, weren't for the reasons I thought. No, those were really big things. This thing, was......small. Yet, it was the biggest one of all. So far anyway. All my crazy scheming and plotting trying to find adventure (cough cough, marines, cough) were part of His plan. My wide eyed and wide open phase...that was part of the plan too. I'm ready to have fun, ready to be me, ready to be happy and care free. That was what I didn't want to let go of. See, I thought that if I surrendered I'd be boring old me again. Matronly (as my sister calls it, and I agree), in long skirts, let down hair, and an even more boring life style! Staying cooped up inside, sweeping, mopping, cleaning house. Blah! I was seeing a new me that was fun loving, and always happy. I was ready to go out and conquer, to see the funner side of life. To do things other people feared. To do things that weren't normal, and defied logic. I didn't want to let go of what I saw I was becoming, maturing into. What I used to be like when I was a kid. (Albeit, not quite so adventure hungry. I take that back..I always wanted to be a military pilot.)
Then I realized, what if...this entire 4 month struggle, was for that reason. What if, He's trying to teach me to be me, and just let go. Trying to tell me "It's time to fly." That little birdy is fixing to fly out of the nest and find the adventure it's been daydreaming of it's entire life. That this new found quest for adventure, was just what He's looking for (in a more tamed way). What if little birdy, was made for adventurous, logic defying things?
And then I thought, "What if this one time, I came as filthy as I was and said Here I am. Would you take me, and clean me up, even though I hadn't taken the time to do it myself? And what if that was the whole point? What if all these times of me cleaning up my act and then coming had done more harm than good? Was this what He was trying to teach all along?" Then a whisper.."You can buy the shoes." I had my answer.
In my coming with all my vices still intact, still clinging, He was able to do more with me now, than the times I had come to Him with all my bad vices severed on my own.
And with that....my clarion call is back! GIVE ME THE WORLD, OR GIVE ME DEATH!
I started talking to this guy online. He wanted to commit suicide, and I was trying to convince him not to. At first, I was giving all the advice I could. In no sort of spiritual shape to give him the gospel myself, I referred him to some sites specifically for people contemplating suicide. I kept reassuring him. Quietly hinting at this Christian retreat, or that Christian place. Finally he was stable enough that I wasn't battering my brains trying to figure out what to do. So, we just talked. Of nothing really. He asked me my story. I told him. I'd been there, where he was. I'd tried it..unsuccessful, obviously. A couple days went by...he was okay. One morning, he wasn't okay anymore. He was panicking. Trying to find a way out. I asked for help. Advice. Anything. I got it. One person said go to my parents. Not what I wanted to hear. I knew I wasn't supposed to be talking to strange people..duh! Tell them so I can get in trouble! No way! They're both working...they can't help right now. I need answers, advice, pronto! They had no other helpful advice. I knew this, even in my stupor, I couldn't continually rely on my parents for answers I would need to know myself one day. Maybe, it sounds wrong to you. But, one day, they won't be there, one day, I'll have to do it all on my own. I gotta start learning now. I won't cry Mama. Another friend didn't know what to do, but they said they'd pray. And that was enough. Someone was backing me up, without asking questions. Without telling me I'd done it wrong, they just stood next to me, and mentally, I saw that person pick up a gun and run to the front lines of an age old war. Slowly, ever so slowly, he was convinced that he should wait at least another day, he was stable again. Long enough, for God to work.
It was my turn to be worked on by God. I went to bed that night, then a the quiet voice. A song I enjoyed listening to at one point. I knew it well. I'd heard it at least a million times. Then, quiet again. "Get your iPod." he whispered. I didn't want to. I didn't want to cry and sob and be an emotional wreck. I also didn't want to let go. Of what...I didn't know. A battle ensued. No, go, no, go, no it's warm in the bed, go, no, go, fine... Off I went. I knew exactly where I had left it. I tip-toed through the house until my hand touched the cold metal. I grabbed it and ran to my room as if I had committed a crime. I dove back in bed under the covers, grabbed my ear phones, plugged them in, and flipped to the song I was told. I pushed play. Immediately He started talking. And we started dancing. It's a song, that I always could picture mentally. We twirled around, Him asking questions, me stuttering out my answers. His strong arms wrapped gently around me, He wouldn't let me fall. Question after question came. I repeated the song, again, and again. Still, more questions, more timid answers. He was quiet. I flipped to another song. Listened, and realized, if I bend, I'll have to give up, I'll have to do this, and this, and this. I'll be so totally embarrassed by my stupidity and wrong choices! No!! A mental picture exploded in my head with shocking clarity. His arms around me, I fought, I fought to get loose, I pushed and pulled, I punched, shook my head like a wild animal. His voice was firm. "Stop! Stop fighting!" Then a clear memory of my teacher saying... "People always see it as a don't. If I go to God, I have to give up this or this, I have to do this first and that. But God sees it as a do. Just come, just as you are." His clear words again. "We'll work it all out. Just let go. Just come." I didn't I shut His voice out of my head, and flipped through the songs. Trying to find one that portrayed my feelings perfectly. I found one I thought was good. The music blared in my ears, but in the song, He was still there. He was the one singing the song! I grew agitated, furious. I ripped the earphones from my ear, turned the iPod off, and shut it up in the drawer. I went to sleep.
Bas (we'll call my friend Bas, I like that name it's very Dutch ;) ) was slow to e-mail this morning. But, he began to ask questions. Previously I had shared a pathetic story of the gospel, a child could have done better. So I began to answer them. As best I could. Strangely, despite my struggle in the night. I felt alright. The more questions Bas asked the more excited I grew. Questions like "When did you convert to Christianity?" and "Can you give examples of how your life got better after you converted?" were things I typed furiously over. But even in my rebellion, I heard that little whisper. "That's good, that's all he needs to know for now." He was still guiding me. He recalled vivid feelings of how I felt, so I could better write of them. He reminded me of scriptures, I typed those too. I kept fretting over this, I felt as though I was giving Bas only half of what Christianity was, only telling him absolute need to knows, without telling him things I thought he should know as well. And the whisper "One hammer blow at a time." "Answer the questions as they come." He showed me a new way of doing things. I didn't have to explain theology to Bas. He wouldn't understand that anyway, and it would only frustrate him more if he couldn't figure out this wonderful way to peace he was searching for. Eventually he would give up. So, my seemingly childish explanation of the Romans Road, and other key factors of Christianity were... One hammer blow at a time. With each tiny blow, a little more of the concrete surrounding Bas' heart is chipped away, and a little more heart is shown beating, bleeding in pain. One question at a time, I'm able to show Bas the way. The way I followed to fix my broken, bleeding, painful heart. The one I'm staring at as I type.
Then the pieces of the puzzle flew into place. My 4 months of sliding downhill, weren't for the reasons I thought. No, those were really big things. This thing, was......small. Yet, it was the biggest one of all. So far anyway. All my crazy scheming and plotting trying to find adventure (cough cough, marines, cough) were part of His plan. My wide eyed and wide open phase...that was part of the plan too. I'm ready to have fun, ready to be me, ready to be happy and care free. That was what I didn't want to let go of. See, I thought that if I surrendered I'd be boring old me again. Matronly (as my sister calls it, and I agree), in long skirts, let down hair, and an even more boring life style! Staying cooped up inside, sweeping, mopping, cleaning house. Blah! I was seeing a new me that was fun loving, and always happy. I was ready to go out and conquer, to see the funner side of life. To do things other people feared. To do things that weren't normal, and defied logic. I didn't want to let go of what I saw I was becoming, maturing into. What I used to be like when I was a kid. (Albeit, not quite so adventure hungry. I take that back..I always wanted to be a military pilot.)
Then I realized, what if...this entire 4 month struggle, was for that reason. What if, He's trying to teach me to be me, and just let go. Trying to tell me "It's time to fly." That little birdy is fixing to fly out of the nest and find the adventure it's been daydreaming of it's entire life. That this new found quest for adventure, was just what He's looking for (in a more tamed way). What if little birdy, was made for adventurous, logic defying things?
And then I thought, "What if this one time, I came as filthy as I was and said Here I am. Would you take me, and clean me up, even though I hadn't taken the time to do it myself? And what if that was the whole point? What if all these times of me cleaning up my act and then coming had done more harm than good? Was this what He was trying to teach all along?" Then a whisper.."You can buy the shoes." I had my answer.
In my coming with all my vices still intact, still clinging, He was able to do more with me now, than the times I had come to Him with all my bad vices severed on my own.
And with that....my clarion call is back! GIVE ME THE WORLD, OR GIVE ME DEATH!
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